Misconceptions on Car Accidents...

Did you know that it only takes 5 to 10 mph to cause damage to the soft tissues of your spine? Disc injuries, sprains/strains and ligament damage have all been proven to happen, even with “slower” impacts.

Many patients explain to us how disappointed they are when they experienced a car accident but was never checked by a musculoskeletal specialist (our doctors!). Many injuries can occur during an accident and inflammation after an accident can cause complications with scar tissue and decreased mobility. Many people don’t even notice pain or discomfort until MONTHS after the accident so it’s important to be evaluated within a week after a motor vehicle accident.

We are here for you! Call us at 724-224-2224 to schedule your evaluation. We also participate with ALL auto insurance companies so that your treatments are covered.

Check out more information about chiropractic and car accidents here:



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