What you need to know about shoveling snow...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, especially today!
Did you know that shoveling snow is responsible for at least 100 deaths each year – which are mainly related to over exertion and/or heart attacks. But shoveling snow can also come with slips, trips, falls, and some nasty back pain if you don’t do it correctly.
National Safety Council recommends the following tips to shovel safely:
• Do not shovel after eating or while smoking
• Take it slow and stretch out before you begin
• Shovel only fresh, powdery snow; it's lighter
• Push the snow rather than lifting it
• If you do lift it, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel
• Lift with your legs, not your back
• Do not work to the point of exhaustion
• Know the signs of a heart attack, and stop immediately and call 911 if you're experiencing any of them; every minute counts
If your back is tired and achy from shoveling all day today, call us at 724-224-2224 so we can help you!