5 Simple Things to Improve your 2021!
Wow, these first 13 days have been a blast, haven’t they? Look, I won’t get into the details about the crazy world we live in because we’ve all experienced it. There are certain things that we can control, like our mindset, our reactions, our environment, etc. but we have to let go (Let Go Let God) of what is out of our control. What I want to do is give you all 5 tips at finding your mindset – which is related to your body – in order to feel your best.
1) Alignment. Getting adjusted – not necessarily every day but often enough to feel physical balance. Example: Sometimes when I go to the grocery store, I feel like I’m pushing the cart crooked. It’s almost as if my body wants to veer to the left or the right. That’s how I know I need adjusted! (I know I’m weird.) It’s not pain (remember pain is the last symptom to show up!) but it’s a feeling of not being balanced. I have some patients who feel as if their ankle is rolling and some patients can no longer find a comfy spot to sit or sleep in – but it’s before pain sets in. Chiropractic care is there to keep your body running efficiently AND to keep you balanced. It will keep your mind-body-soul programming working at 100%.
2) Set your intentions every day. What are you? Are you driven, are you successful, are you wealthy? Saying these things aloud – AND in present tense can help set your mindset for the day! Are you looking to be something? Say the words as if you already are and watch your world change around you.
3) Sleep. How much sleep do you get? Is it interrupted? Do you watch your cell phone or TV until just before you fall asleep? Maybe you fall asleep with your phone in your hand. This past year I would fall asleep reading research articles on cancer fighting herbs and alternative therapies for my dad only to wake up the next day feeling like I needed to go back to bed! Sleep is crucial. It’s how our body resets itself after a long day of usually a physical and mental struggle. Not getting enough sleep can lead to fatigue, weight gain, mood disorders, and even inflammation. 7-8 hours a day is REQUIRED. A 20-minute power nap also gets approval from me – and my dad.
4) What makes you happy? Many of us have been (well I guess all of us) limited as to our usual activities of what makes us happy like travel, playing sports, working out, etc. Doing things that make you happy help to release endorphins and enkephalins (Adjustments release these chemicals as well!) which help to decrease stress, decrease pain, and increase the feeling of being happy. Schedule a time each day to do something that helps you to feel happy – meditation is what of my favorites! Maybe I can’t travel to Bora Bora but I can definitely imagine what it feels like to be there!
5) You are what you eat. I know you’ve heard it before, but if you eat like crap, you’ll feel like crap. Eating a diet high in sugar and processed foods slows down your metabolism and increases the production of cortisol. Cortisol tells your body to pack on fat and also makes you feel extremely tired and fatigued. Do you try to overcome fatigue with coffee? 3-4 cups of coffee a day can be beneficial to your health but when you start adding cream, sugar, white chocolate mocha syrup and sugar sprinkles on top of that whipped cream – it can cause adrenal fatigue which releases even MORE cortisol into your system. Drink some warm lemon water. Find a favorite tea. My favorite is the flavored sparkling waters (no sugar) to help boost my fluid intake during the day. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day! (If you weigh 150 lbs, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water a day). Choose broccoli over French fries. Try some intermittent fasting. Do something different to change up your routine and DEFINITELY eat a green thing every day!
Need help with some recommendations? Don’t know where to start? Message me, contact me, look up my business website. Trust me, being a busy business owning mom and wife makes it hard for me to follow my own 5 rules. But I know that when I feel my best I can get stuff done! Happy 2021!
Lots of love,
Dr. Dawn